# set address remotely, 175
+24V fuse rating, 17
+24V supply connections, 17
+24V supply lead length restrictions, 17
A acceleration deceleration, 119
A to D converter, 33
AA acceleration, 119
AB, AI & AO system variables, 58
Absolute preset moves, 74
Absorber ferrite, 20
AD deceleration, 120
AI system variable, 33
ANA1 inputs, 33
Analogue input, 33
AO system variable, 33
ARM code, 121
ARM command, 50
Baud rate changing, 31
Baud rate selection, 103
Bipolar rating, 21
BR system variable, 58
C continue, 123
Cabinet installation, 9
Cable lengths for motor, 20
Cable screening, 20
CAN bus connector, 40
CAN bus terminator, 41
Capacitance of supply, 11
Chop frequency, 195
Clean earth, 9
CLEAR user code, 123
Clockwise motion, 74
Closed loop applications, 87
Closed loop operation, 87
structure, 45
address requirements, 115
label & multi parameter syntax, 116
presentation, 115
reference, 115
simple syntax, 115
Command checking, 118
Command defaults, 162
Command list, 183
Command properties, 116
Command queuing, 59, 73
Commands sent
waiting on a trigger, 71
Communication daisy chain, 42
Communication problems, 186
Communications specification, 196
Conditional code, 72
Confirming drive operation, 114
Continuous moves, 74
Cooling, 197
Cooling requirements, 5
Counts per rev, 87
CQ system variable, 59
D distance, 124
DC supply amps, 11
DC supply capacitance, 11
DC supply volts, 10
Dead band, 89
position within the code, 46
command, 45
examples, 46
Default directory, 96
Device addressing, 48
DF bit order, 67
DF word, 67
Differential input, 33
Digital inputs specification, 196
Digital outputs specification, 196
Dimensions, 6
DIN rail mount, 7
Direct mode, 45
Disconnecting device, 9
Downloading programs, 112