Problem | Solution |
No sound is coming through | - Ensure that the device is |
the Parrot PARTY. | switched on (ON/OFF switch |
| on the back of the device) and |
| sufficiently powered. |
| - Check that your device supports |
| the Bluetooth A2DP profile and |
| the source role. |
I cannot connect my audio player | - Hold down the Configuration |
to the Parrot PARTY. | button on the Parrot PARTY for |
| two seconds, then restart |
| the search and connect. |
The centre LED on the Parrot | - The red colour means that the |
PARTY is red. | battery level is low (battery life is |
| less than 15 min). Plug the Parrot |
| PARTY into the mains: the LED |
| turns violet to indicate that the |
| device is being charged and then |
| turns blue once the battery has |
| been fully recharged. |
I used a Jack audio cable | - Check that the jack audio cable |
to connect my audio player, | is properly plugged in to the Parrot |
but I get no sound. | PARTY and audio player. |
| - Check that there is no Bluetooth |
| connection with an audio player. |
| The Bluetooth connection will take |
| priority over the Jack connection. |
My Parrot PARTY makes | - Check that the jack audio cable |
a noise when I use | is properly plugged in to the Parrot |
a jack audio cable. | PARTY and audio player. |
I am using my PC as | - Check that the «Sound |
a Bluetooth audio player, | playback» option is set to «High- |
but there is no sound coming | quality Bluetooth Audio». |
from my Parrot PARTY. | You can find this option |
| by selecting Start/Settings/Control |
| panel/Sound and Audio Devices/ |
| Audio on your computer. |
When I watch a video, the | - Use the Parrot Audio |
sound from the Parrot PARTY | Configuration Tool to check |
is not synchronised with the | that your system’s audio delay |
image. | is correctly configured |
| for this type of use. |
18 | Parrot PARTY |