263Primary monetary symbol is invalid.
264Secondary symbol selection must be 0 (none) or 1 (primary secondary sign).
265Monetary decimal places must be 0 to 3.
266Character string length in Packet E must be 5 (MPCL control characters) or 7 (ENQ/IMD command character).
267Baud rate selection must be 0 (1200), 1 (2400), 2 (4800), 3 (9600), 4 (19.2), or 5 (38.4).
268Word length selection must be 0 (7 bits) or 1 (8 bits).
269Stop bits selection must be 0 (1 bit) or 1 (2 bits).
270Parity selection must be 0 (none), 1 (odd), or 2 (even).
271Flow control selection must be 0 (none), 1 (DTR/DSR), 2 (CTS/RTS), or 3 (XON/XOFF).
272Internal code page selection must be 0 (internal), 1 (ANSI), 2 (DOS 437), or 3 (DOS 850).
273Cut adjustment must be
282RS232 Trailer string is too long. Use a maximum of 3 characters.
283ENQ Trailer string is too long. Use a maximum of 3 characters.
284The buffer type must be T (transmit), R (receive), I (image), F (format, batch date and graphics), D (downloadable fonts), or V (vector/scalable fonts).
285The storage device type must be N
286The buffer size is invalid.
287The printhead width must be 0.
290Action must be 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) for Backfeed Control.
291Dispense position must be 50 to 200 dots and/or the backfeed distance is greater than the dispense position.
292Backfeed distance must be 10 to 200 dots.
310Check digit scheme number must be 1 to 10.
311Modulus must be 2 to 11.
314 | Check digit algorithm must be D (sum of digits) or P (sum of products). |
325 | Duplicating direction must be 0 or 1. |
327Amount of row adjustment must be 0 to 999.
328Duplicate count must be 0 to 999.
340 | Bitmap line encoding must be H (hex) or R (run length). |
350Font selector must be 1 to 9999.
351Font data length must be 68 to 16384.
Paxar Systems Group Paxar 9840CL Printer | Troubleshooting - 5 ∙ 45 |