GTx Group Modules

The Group Module is where input signals are combined and configured for grouped output; effects & aux assignment/rout- ing are also accomplished here. Fully loaded GTx consoles have eight group modules. Group number is indicated on PFL switch.

Group Meter

Located on the meter bridge, it indicates the post-fader output level of the group.

Matrix Levels (A, B)

Adjusts the level of group signal sent to the respective matrix.

Effect Return Gain

Controls gain on the signal returning from the attached effect.

Effect Return EQ Controls

Alter the effect return signal pre-fader by providing 16 dB of boost and cut. Upper control is centered at 80Hz, while the lower control is centered at 10 kHz.

Effect Aux Sends 1/2 (5/6)

A dual-concentric pot is used to control the level of effect return signal sent to Aux Sends 1(center knob) and 2(outer knob).

Aux 5•6 Switch

Switches function of Effect Aux Sends control between Auxes 1&2 and Auxes 5&6.

Pre/Post Switch

Switches effect return signal between pre & post Effect Level Control.

Effect Aux Sends 3&4 (7/8)

A dual concentric pot is used to control the level of effect return signal sent to Aux Sends 3(center knob) and 4(outer knob).

Aux 7•8 Switch

Switches function of Effect Aux Sends control between Auxes 3&4 and Auxes 7&8.

Effects Assignment L-C-R Switch

Configures Left/Right and Center/Mono assignments for Left - Center - Right Panning. L-R and Mono assign switches must be down

Effects Assignment Pan Switch / Group Assign Switches (1-8)

With PAN switch down, PAN control varies the level of the group assignments with odd numbered groups on the left and even numbered groups on the right. With PAN switch up, groups can be individually selected and are unaffected by PAN control. Group Assign switches assign signals to Group buses.

Effects (EFX) Return Pan

Positions the EFX Return signal between left & right, between left-center-right, or between odd & even-numbered assigned groups.

Effects (EFX) Return Level

Adjusts the final effect return signal level.

Effects (EFX) Mute

Mutes the effect return signal.

Effects (EFX) PFL

Allows for Pre-fader listening of the effect return signal.

Effects (EFX) Peak & Signal LED’s

The red LED indicates that the effect signal is within 3dB of the clipping point. The green LED constantly displays the level of signal activity by varying in intensity.

Group Pan

Positions group image between Left & Right output assign- ments.

Group Mute

Mutes the group signal except for the group insert send.

Group Mono Assign

Assigns the associated Group signal to the Mono bus.

Group L-R Assign

Assigns the associated Group signal to the Left and Right buses. Exact assignment will be dependent upon the position of the Group Pan control.

Group LCR Switch

Configures Left/Right and Center/Mono assignments for L-C- R Panning. For L-C-R panning, Group L-R and Group Mono assign switches must be down.

Matrix Pre/Post

Switches the Matrix send between pre and post-fader settings.

Fader Reverse w/LED

Swaps functions between the Effect Level control and the group fader; one becomes the other.

Group PFL

Allows for Pre-fader Listening of the Group signal.

Group Peak & Signal LED’s

The red LED indicates that the group signal is within 3dB of the clipping point. The green LED constantly displays the level of group signal activity by varying in intensity.

Group Fader

Controls all post-fader group signal outputs.

EFX Return Scene Mute


Assign the EFX return signal to any of the four scene mute groups. Scene Mute combines with the effect’s local Mute but- ton, and actuates the local Mute LED.

EFX Return Scene Mute Safe Switch

Disables all selected EFX Scene Mute assignments. An associ- ated green LED indicates the return is in a Safe state.


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Peavey GTX owner manual GTx Group Modules