20 Pelco Manual C1456M-D (10/98)
Connect only a low volt-
age device to the relay output.
Maximum current rating of the re-
lay contacts is two amperes.
The maxi-
mum output of AUX 2 is
150 mA. If you connect a
device that draws more
current, you could destroy
the output transistor. The
output is intended to
drive logic circuits or low-
current devices. If higher
current is required, con-
nect the output to a relay.
Leave ad-
equate slack in the wiring
to permit the door to open
without pulling on the con-
Make sure
the dome drive locks into
place. Tug downward on
the dome drive with mod-
erate pressure to ensure
that it stays in place.
For Coaxitron
SW2 is not used and all switches
must be OFF.
5. Heater/Fan - This is a factory connection for a heater on outdoor pendant
6. Alarm Inputs - If you need alarm inputs, connect them. The maximum num-
ber of alarm inputs is seven. Refer to Figure 8 for a typical wiring example.
Alarm inputs require a ground signal through a contact closure, such as a
7. AUX 1 - An AUX 1 command from the controller will activate the relay output.
If you need the relay, wire it as required. Refer to Figure 8. The relay contacts
are shown when AUX 1 is inactive. When an AUX 1 command is issued, the
relay contacts will reverse and remain latched until a clear command is is-
8. AUX 2 - An AUX 2 command from the controller will place a ground at the
output of AUX 2 to operate the device connected to it. The output will remain
latched until a clear command is issued. If you need the AUX 2 output, wire it
as required. Refer to Figure 8 for typical wiring examples. The AUX 2 output is
an open collector transistor driver which is capable of passing a maximum of
150 mA at 32 VDC. It is capable of driving TTL logic circuits or low-current reed
relays. If you use an external relay, make sure that both the supply voltage and
the current requirements are well below the maximum of 32 VDC and 150 mA.
Exceeding these values will cause permanent damage to the dome. If you are
not familiar with open collector drive requirements, contact Pelco technical
support for assistance.
9. Close the door and tighten the thumbscrew securely.
Proceed to Section 3.5, DOME DRIVE.
1. Turn on power to the back box. The red LED should light to indicate power.
If the LED does not light, correct the trouble before proceeding. Refer to Sec-
If the light is operating, you may either leave the power on and continue with
the installation, or you may turn the power off before proceeding further.
2. Set the switches on the bottom of the dome drive. Refer to Figure 12 and Table
C for the settings for SW1.
Refer to Figure 12 and Tables D and E for the settings for SW2.
3. Install the dome drive in the back box: Line up the green drive eject tab on the
dome drive with the green label on the back box and the red static tab with the
red label on the back box. Raise the dome drive into the back box and push on
the ends of the tabs until they both click into place on the back box.
4. Turn on power, if it is not on. Listen for the fan operating. If the fan does not
work, the dome will overheat and shut down. If the fan does not work, return
the back box electronic assembly and dome drive to the factory for repair.
Proceed to Section 3.6, LOWER DOME.