8.10 Initial setting 4
1. Selection of Temperature unit setting:[TEMP.UNIT]
Select °C or °F as the unit for Temperature.
2. Selection of Pressure unit setting:[PRESS UNIT]
Select hPa (hectopascal),mmHg, inchHg as the unit
for pressure to be input.
3. Selection of Distance unit setting:[DIST.UNIT ]
Select m or ft or ft+inch as the unit for Distance.
4. Selection of Angle unit setting:[ANG. UNIT]
Select DEG or DEC or GRD or MIL as the unit for Angle.
8.11 Initial setting 5
1. Selection of Transfer rate (baud rate):[BAUD UNIT]
Select a baud rate of 1200,2400, 4800 or 9600.
2. Selection of Data bits:[DATA LENGTH]
Select a data length of 8 bits or 7 bits.
3. Selection of Parity:[PARITY BITS]
Select no (NIL) parity bit,even parity or odd parity.
4. Selection of Stop bit:[STOP BITS]
Select the number of stop bits to be used:1 or 2.
1. °C
2. °F
1. hPa
2. mmHg
3. inchHg
1. m
2. ft
3. ft+ inch
1. DEG
2. DEC
3. GRD
4. MIL
1. 1200
2. 2400
3. 4800
4. 9600
1. 8
2. 7
1. NIL
3. ODD
1. 1
2. 2