www.myipaddress.com; www.whatismyipaddress.com; ip.sbbs.net; www.whatismyipaddress.net;checkip.dyndns.org
set natttl XX
Set NAT TTL XX is an integer between 10 and 65535 sec. default value is 20 sec.
set phonenumber XXXXXXXX
Set a phone number of
set account XXXXXX
While calling card is set, set account of chosen card; while local
type is set use authentication type, set user ID; while set localtype is set as 1, set ID.
While calling card is set, set password of chosen card; while local type is set authentication type, set password.
set registerport XXXX
Set register port. XXXX is range from 1024 through 6553.
set signalport XXXX
This port is Q.931 port using TCP protocol. XXXX is range from 1024 through 65535.
set controlport XXXX