13. Export Adminis tration. You agree that you w ill not directly o r indirectly, expo rt or re-exp ort the Soft ware to
any country for whi ch the United State s Export Admin istration Ac t, or any similar Uni ted States law or regu lation
requires an exp ort license or oth er U.S. Governm ent approval, unl ess the appropr iate export lice nse or approval has
rst been obt ained. By download ing or installing t he Software you a gree to abide by this E xport provisi on.
14. Governing law. This Agre ement is governed by t he laws of your country o f residence , witho ut reference to it s
conict of laws pri nciples. Any dispu te between you and Ph ilips regarding th is Agreement sha ll be subject to the no n-
exclusive jurisd iction of the cour ts of your country of r esidence.
15. General. This Ag reement contain s the entire agree ment between you an d Philips and super sedes any prior
representa tion, undert aking or other comm unication or adver tising with r espect to the Sof tware and user
documentatio n. If any part of this A greement is held inv alid, the remain der of this Agreeme nt will continue in ful l
force and effect . This Agreemen t shall not prejudice t he statutory r ights of any par ty dealing as a consum er.
EULA-Engl ish (UK)
September 200 9