5Use e to select the ring tone that you wish to use for this profile
6Use e to select the picture F Q
Hot Key Phone Numbers
It is possible to dial phone numbers from the Phonebook or Service Dial part of Phonebook very quickly. Some Hot Key Phone numbers may be reserved by the Service Provider, for example the first three Hot Key Phone numbers may be linked to Service Dial (R).
1F + Hold a Digit key 1 - 9
2 F D
Note: In some instances, a long press on the 9key will initiate the games menu
Setting the Hot Key Dial Source
1From Idle F Q, select Phonebook > Hot Key Dial F
2Use e to select SIM Phonebook or Mobile Phonebook and F Q
Info Numbers or Service Dial
Your Service Provider may program some special phone numbers into your SIM (R). It is not possible to modify these
1F + Hold A
2F e to browse through the Service Dial list of phone numbers
The phone number pointed to can only be recalled or dialled.
Review the Phonebook
The Review function in the Phonebook menu shows how many locations are available in the Phonebook.
1From Idle F Q, select Phonebook > Review F Q
2Use e to select SIM Phonebook or Mobile Phonebook F
A summary of the selected Phonebook will be displayed.