IMPORTANT. Read the following Freescale Software License Agreement (“Agreement”) completely. By selecting the “I Accept” button at the end of this page, you indicate that you accept the terms of the Agreement referenced below. You may then download the file. If this is a “shrink wrap license,” by opening the package and installing the software contained, you indicate that you accept the terms of the Agreement referenced below.
You are about to download certain software that is subject to various open source licenses such as the Apache License, the BSD license, the Free Software Foundation General Public License and Lesser General Public License, the Mozilla Public License and others. The particular files are listed in a file in the distribution, which will typically be called “package_manifest.
txt” (“Manifest”). In the case of a discrepancy between the Manifest and the files in the distribution, the files in the distribution will supersede this list.The files that are subject to open source licenses will have the licensing details contained in those files. If you do not accept the terms of any of those licenses, stop using those files immediately.
This is a legal agreement between you (either as an individual or as
an authorized representative of your employer) and Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (“Freescale”). It concerns your rights to use these files and any accompanying written materials (the “Software” and the “Codec Software” (as defined below).
Except where specifically indicated in the License Grant below, Software will include Codec Software including third party software as more fully described below and identified on Attachment A; and software created or licensed to Freescale.This Agreement does not concern your use of any files that are subject to an “open source” software license, such as
the Free Software Foundation “General Public License,” or “GNU GPL.” In consideration for Freescale allowing you to access the Software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this Agreement, do not download the Software. If you change your mind later, stop using the Software and delete all copies of the Software in your possession or control. Any copies of the Software that you have already distributed, where permitted, and do not destroy will continue to be governed by this Agreement. Your prior use will also continue to be governed by this Agreement.
LICENSE GRANT. Exclusively in conjunction with your development and sale of a product containing an i.MX or STMP programmable processing unit (e.g. a microprocessor, microcontroller) supplied directly or indirectly from Freescale (“Freescale System”), Freescale grants to you, free of charge, the
(2)to reproduce the Software, (3) distribute the Software, (4) to sublicense to others the right to use the distributed Software as included within the Freescale System and, to the extent the Software is provided in source code form (human readable), (5) to prepare derivative works of the Software, (6) to distribute derivative works thereof only in object
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