Philips SNN6500 user manual Network Connection Problems, ProblemPossible cause Solution

Models: SNN6500

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ProblemPossible cause Solution


If the Link LED on

PC or other network

Make sure the computer and other

the Wireless Notebook

devices switched off.

network devices are receiving power.

Adapter 11g True



Turbo 108 Mbps does



not light, or if you



cannot access any



network resources



from the computer.



No access to a

Service unavailable.

Check that you have enabled and

Windows or Net-


configured the service correctly.

Ware service on the


If you cannot connect to a particular



server, be sure that you have access



rights and a valid ID and password.



If you cannot access the Internet, be



sure you have configured your system



for TCP/IP.

If your wireless

Base Station / Access

Make sure the access point that the

adapter cannot

Point is switched off.

station is associated with is powered

communicate with a



computer in the



network when

Range too long

Reposition your Wireless Adapter.

configured for

(weak radio signal).


Infrastructure mode.

Wrong settings.

Make sure the SSID and the network




encryption key are the same as those



used by the wireless access point.

Network speed

Other network

Make sure all network components

does not

components are

are suitable for high network speeds.

exceed 11 Mbps.

unsuitable for higher



network speeds.



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Philips SNN6500 user manual Network Connection Problems, ProblemPossible cause Solution