aStopthe tape with the STOPhbutton.
bPressthe [(reverse)or I(forward)button.
cTostop at a certain picture, press the STOPhbutton.
Instant ViewWiththis function you can switch to picture search during
windand rewind.
aIfyou hold the [(rewind)or I(wind)button
duringwind or rewind, you will switch to picture search.
bWhenyou release the button, the video recorder will
automaticallyswitch back to rewind or wind.
Automatic search for a tape position(index search)Atthe start of each recording, the video recorder will write an
indexcode on the tape.
aPressthe INDEXEbuttonand then the Ibuttonto
selectthe next code mark or the [buttonfor the
previouscode mark.
bWhenthe video recorder finds the code mark, it will
automaticallyswitch to play.
Automatic search for a blank space on thetapeYoucan search for a space on the tape (at least 1 minute of
blanktape) for a new recording, for example, after an existing
recordingon the tape.
aPressthe INDEXEbutton.Then press the STOPh
bWhenthe video recorder find a blank space, it will
automaticallyswitch to ’pause’.
DIfno empty space has been found when the end of
thetape is reached, the cassette will be ejected.
Picture interferenceWhenthe picture quality is poor when you play a cassette,
pleasefollow these instructions.
Tracking during playbackaWhilea cassette is playing, hold the Pqbuttonuntil
’TRAC’(tracking) appears on the display.
bHoldthe Pror Pqbuttonuntil the picture quality is
atits best.
cWaita few seconds, until ’TRAC’ disappears from the
display.This picture setting will not change until you
ejectthe cassette.
Tracking during still pictureIfthe still picture vibrates vertically, you can improve the still
pictureas follows:
aDuringstill picture, hold the Pqor Prbuttonuntil
thepicture quality is at its best.
Thevideo recorder will store this setting automatically.
DPleasenote, however, that interference may still
occurwith poor quality cassettes.
Cleaning the video headsIfhorizontal lines appear on the screen when you play a
cassette,you should clean the video heads.
aWhilea cassette is playing, hold the PLAYGbutton until
’HEAD’appears on the display. The video heads will now
becleaned. The video recorder will automatically switch
toplay again.