PicoScope 2104 & 2105 PC Oscilloscope User Guide
short ps2000_open_unit ( void )
This function opens a PicoScope 2000 Series PC Oscilloscope. The API driver can support up to four units.
Arguments | None |
Returns | |
| 0 if no unit found, |
| >0 (handle) if the unit opened |
short ps2000_ready ( short handle )
This function checks to see if the oscilloscope has finished the last data collection operation. It does nothing if the unit is in streaming mode.
Arguments | handle, the handle to the required device. |
Returns | 1 (meaning 'ready') is returned when the unit has collected a complete |
| block of data or the auto trigger timeout has been reached. |
| If an invalid handle is passed, or the unit is in streaming mode, it |
| returns 0 ( meaning 'not ready'). |
| |
| fails, indicating that the unit may well have been unplugged. |
Copyright 2006 Pico Technology Limited. All rights reserved. |