WorksheetsOn the next few pages, youÕll Þnd worksheets that list helpful information you
can use when videoconferencing.
One worksheet lists information about the sites you frequently call. Another
worksheet lists information about your own system that you may need to know,
especially if you run into a problem. The last worksheet lists the names and phone
numbers of people youÕll want to talk to if you need help, such as your system
administrator, your PictureTel service provider, and your network provider.
You can Þll in the worksheets yourself, or your system administrator may Þll
them in for you. If you create additional worksheets with information particular
to your location, add those worksheets to this section. That way, you can keep
your important videoconferencing information together in one convenient place.
If you prefer to bring your own copies of the worksheets with you to the
conference room, or if youÕd like to distribute copies to others, feel free to
photocopy the worksheets.