Solving ProblemsIf you run into a problem with your videoconferencing system, follow these
❑If the problem is described in this section, follow the steps listed to see if you
can Þx it.
❑If you canÕt Þnd a solution here, call your system administrator. The
administratorÕs phone number should be listed under the Worksheets tab.
❑If you still canÕt resolve the problem, gather the following information and
then call your PictureTel service provider or PictureTel Technical Support:
¥ The serial number of your system
¥ Any error codes or error messages that appeared on your screen
¥ Symptoms of the problem you are experiencing
You can Þnd phone numbers for PictureTel Technical Support in your area at
the PictureTel web site, www.picturetel.com.
Your service provider may also ask you for information about your system
and network conÞguration. You can Þnd this information through the system
menus that you access by pressing SETUP on your keypad. See the System
Menu Trees tab to determine how to access the menus you need.
❑Occasionally a test you run may show the problem is with the network. If this
happens, contact your network service provider.
This section starts with a table of system warnings Ñ what they mean and what
to do if you see them. It then provides tables summarizing the kinds of problems
you might encounter and the steps you can take to Þx them.