The system assigns a speed-dial number to the site.
The site name character grid appears.
Naming the SiteNow you must name the site. Choose the characters you want to appear in the site
name from the character grid. A site name can contain up to eight characters.
To name the site:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the first character in the name.
2. Press ENTER to choose the character.
3. If you want to add a space to the name, move the blinking cursor to the blank
space immediately above the icon and press ENTER.
4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each additional character in the name.
If you make a mistake, highlight and press ENTER to remove a
character from the site name.
Speed dial number: *5
Enter site name:
Create a New Entry
Line 1: 7005631234
Line 2: 7005631235
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aaa ceeei i ii n o oo ou uuu ß01 23 45678 9
^.. ^.. ^..
Rate: [None]