no audio, corrective actions 86
nondialed call, making 26
number buttons
on QuickPad 15
on wireless keypad 12
for frequently called systems 96
for getting help 98
for your system 97
Ppicture, adjusting 45
picture-in-picture (PIP) window 47
PIP button
on QuickPad 16
on wireless keypad 14
using to display and remove PIP 47
PIP, displaying and removing 47
playing a videotape 54
POINT button
on QuickPad 15
on wireless keypad 12
using to adjust cameras 48
power-on tests, failing 84
preset number buttons
on QuickPad 16
on wireless keypad 13
setting 49
using 50
PREVIEW VCR button 54
previewing, buttons used for 13
PRINT button, on QuickPad 17
problem solving
blank screen 85
camera failure 88
no sound 86
no system menus 87
no system power 83
system fails power-on tests 84
VCR failure 88
progress messages. See call progress
Qquick reference 3
buttons used less frequently 16, 17
commonly used buttons 15
overview 15
RRapid Power-On Tests (RPOT), system failing
RECALL SNAPSHOT button, on wireless
keypad 13, 53
recording a videoconference 53
redialing a call 27
removing a Dialing Directory entry 75
removing status messages 77
SSEND SNAPSHOT button, on wireless
keypad 13, 52
SEND VCR button 54
serial number, worksheet listing 97
service provider, name and number 98
service, calling 81