Modifying a Dialing Directory EntryIf the information in a Dialing Directory entry becomes out-of-date Ñ for
example, if a site changes its video numbers Ñ you donÕt have to create a new
entry. You can simply modify the existing entry.
To modify a Dialing Directory entry:
1. Press SETUP.
2. Press ENTER to choose Modify Dialing Directory.
3. Use to select Modify an Entry, and press ENTER.
4. Use to select the entry you wish to modify, and press ENTER.
The entry appears in the Modify an Entry screen.
5. Use or to select the field you want to change, and press ENTER.
F.Y.I. You canÕt change a Dialing Directory entryÕs speed-dial number.
Speed dial number: *4
Modify an Entry
Line 1: 7005631563
Line 2: 7005631563
Done? Yes
Rate: [Premium]