Customer Support
Customer Support 91
Customer Support
Customer Support
On all complaints and concerns call Customer Support at 1-800-421-1404
Following our response to any initial request to Customer Support, should a dispute arise
between you and Pioneer,Pioneer makes available to you,without charge, it’s Complaint
Resolution Program.You are required to use the Complaint Resolution Program before you
exercise any rights under,or seek any remedies,created by Title I of the Magnuson-Moss
Warranty-Federal Trade Commission Improvement Act,15 U.S.C.2301 et seq.
To use the Complaint Resolution Program call 1-800-421-1404 and explain to the customer
service representative the problem you are experiencing, steps you have taken to have the
product repaired during the warranty period and the name of the authorized Distributor /
Dealer from whom the Pioneer product was purchased.After the complaint has been
explained to the representative,a resolution number will be issued.Within 40 days of receiv-
ing your complaint, Pioneer will investigate the dispute and will either: (1) respond to your
complaint in writing informing you what action Pioneer will take, and in what time period, to
resolve the dispute; or (2) respond to your complaint in writing informing you why it will not
take any action.
For hook-up and operation of your unit or to locate an Authorized Service Company, please
call or write:
P.O.BOX 1760
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