Before you start


! When disposing of used batteries, please

Manual that operates in association with the

comply with governmental regulations or

receiver, updating of various types of software,

environmental public instruction’s rules that

and MCACC Application that lets you check the

apply in your country or area.

MCACC measurement results on 3D graphs.


! Please agree to the “Terms of Use” indicated

below before using this CD-ROM. Do not use if

you are unwilling to consent to the terms of its


Wiring Navi only starts up automatically the first time AVNavigator is launched.

2 Select and use the desired function.

AVNavigator includes the following functions:

! Wiring Navi – Guides you through

Operating range of remote control unit

The remote control may not work properly if:

!There are obstacles between the remote control and the receiver’s remote sensor.

!Direct sunlight or fluorescent light is shining onto the remote sensor.

!The receiver is located near a device that is emitting infrared rays.

!The receiver is operated simultaneously with another infrared remote control unit.

30° 30°

7 m (23 ft.)

About using AVNavigator (included CD-ROM)

The included AVNavigator CD-ROM contains Wiring Navi allowing you to easily make the receiver’s connections and initial settings in dialog fashion. High precision initial settings can be completed easily simply by following the instructions on the screen to make the connections and settings.

There are also other features enabling easy use of various functions, including an Interactive

Installing AVNavigator

1 Load the included AVNavigator CD-ROM into your computer’s CD drive.

!The installation screen is displayed. Proceed to step 2.

!If the installation screen does not appear, double-click on the CD-ROM icon then start the installer (AVNV_XXX_xxx.exe).

2Follow the instructions on the screen to install.

When “Finish” is selected, installation is completed.

3Remove the included AVNavigator CD-ROM from the computer’s CD drive.

Handling the CD-ROM

Operating Environment

!This CD-ROM can be used with Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista/7.

!A browser is at times used for AVNavigator functions. The supported browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8. With other browsers, some functions may be limited or the display may not appear properly.

Also, even with a supported browser, depending on the browser’s settings, some functions may be limited and the display may not appear properly.

Precautions For Use

!This CD-ROM is for use with a personal computer. It cannot be used with a DVD player or music CD player. Attempting to play this CD-ROM with a DVD player or music CD player can damage speakers or cause impaired hearing due to the large volume.

Also agree to the “License Agreement”

displayed when installing AVNavigator.

Terms of Use

!Copyright to data provided on this CD-ROM belongs to PIONEER CORPORATION. Unauthorized transfer, duplication, broadcast, public transmission, translation, sales, lending or other such matters that go beyond the scope of “personal use” or “citation” as defined by Copyright Law may be subject

to punitive actions. Permission to use this CD-ROM is granted under license by PIONEER CORPORATION.

General Disclaimer

!PIONEER CORPORATION does not guarantee the operation of this CD-ROM with respect to personal computers using any

of the applicable OS. In addition, PIONEER CORPORATION is not liable for any damages incurred as a result of use of this CD-ROM and is not responsible for any compensation. The names of private corporations, products and other entities described herein are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective firms.

Using AVNavigator

1Click [AVNavigator] on the desktop to launch AVNavigator.

AVNavigator is launched and Wiring Navi starts up. The language selection screen appears. Follow the instructions on the screen to make the connections and automatic settings.

connections and initial settings in dialog

fashion. High precision initial settings can be

made easily.

! Interactive Manual – Automatically displays

the pages explaining the functions that have

been operated on the receiver. It is also

possible to operate the receiver from the

Interactive Manual.

! Glossary – Displays glossary pages.

! MCACC Appli – Displays Advanced

MCACC measurement results vividly on the


There are special operating instructions

for MCACC Application. These instructions

are included in the AVNavigator

Interactive Manual’s menus. Refer to them

when using MCACC Application.

! Software Update – Allows various types of

software to be updated.

! Settings – Used to make various

AVNavigator settings.

! Detection – Used to detect the receiver.


To use the AVNavigator of another model, first uninstall (delete) this receiver’s AVNavigator, then install the AVNavigator of the other model.

Deleting the AVNavigator

You can use the following method to uninstall (delete) the AVNavigator from your PC.

%Delete from the Control Panel of the


From the Start menu, click “Program” d “PIONEER CORPORATION” d “AVNavigator(VSX-1121)” d “Uninstall”.

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