Operation and Status
| VC 1 Status | For each VC (Virtual Circuit), the current status is dis- |
| VC 2 Status | played. This will be either "Enabled" or "Disabled". |
| Note: VC 1 is a standard (Routed) Internet connection. VC | |
| VC 3 Status | |
| 2, VC 3 and VC 4 are | |
| VC 4 Status | |
| |
| Internet (VC1) |
| Connection Method | Displays the current connection method, as set in the Setup |
| Wizard. |
| Connection Status | This indicates the current status of the Internet Connection |
| • Active - Connection exists |
| • Idle - No current connection, but no error has been |
| detected. This condition normally arises when an idle |
| connection is automatically terminated. |
| • Failed - The connection was terminated abnormally. |
| This could be caused by Modem failure, or the loss of |
| the connection to the ISP's server. |
| If there is an error, you can click the "Connection Details" |
| button to find out more information. |
| Internet IP Address | This IP Address is allocated by the ISP (Internet Service |
| Provider). If using a dynamic IP address, and no connection |
| currently exists, this information is unavailable. |
| LAN |
| IP Address | The IP Address of the |
| Network Mask | The Network Mask (Subnet Mask) for the IP Address |
| above. |
| DHCP Server | This shows the status of the DHCP Server function. The |
| value will be "Enabled" or "Disabled". |
| MAC Address | This shows the MAC Address for the |
| seen on the LAN interface. |
| Wireless |
| Name (SSID) | If using an ESS (Extended Service Set, with multiple ac- |
| cess points) this ID is called an ESSID (Extended Service |
| Set Identifier). |
| Region | The current region, as set on the Wireless screen. |
| Channel | This shows the Channel currently used, as set on the |
| Wireless screen. |
| Wireless AP | This indicates whether or not the Wireless Access Point |
| feature is enabled. |
| Broadcast Name | This indicates whether or not the SSID is Broadcast. This |
| setting is on the Wireless screen. |
| System |
| Device Name | The current name of the Router. This name is also the |
| "hostname" for users with an "@Home" type connection. |