ØNeighbor router authentication

ØEven logging

CBAC uses timeout and thresholds to determine how long to manage information for a session and when to drop the session that connects is failed. CBAC is only check with TCP and UDP but not ICMP. The following example is showing the user how to configure CBAC.

ip inspect alert-off – disable alert

ip audit-trail– enable the logging of session information

ip dns-timeout– specify timeout for DNS

ip hashtable-size– specify size of hashtable

ip max-incomplete [low high] – specify the number of incomplete connection before clamping

ip one-minute [low high] – specify the rate of new unestablished TCP session that will cause the software to stop/start deleting half-open session

ip inspect udp idle-time– specify the idle timeout for udp

ip inspect tcp [finwait-time idle-time max-incomplete synwait-time]configure timeout value

for tcp connections

-finwait-time– specify timeout for TCP connections after firewall detect a FIN exchange

-idle-time– specify the TCP connection idle-timeout

-max-incomplete host half-open session block-time- specify max half-open connection per host

-synwait-time– specify the timeout for TCP connects after SYN

ip inspect name name of inspect [protocol] timeout – configure CBAC inspection protocol eg tcp, http, udp, smtp and more.

show ip inspect all – show all CBAC configuration and all existing session

show ip inspect config – show the complete CBAC inspection configuration

show ip inspect name inspect name –show a particular inspection rule