User’s Manual of GSD-800S / GSD-802S / GSD-802PS

-Ethernet – 2000000.

-Fast Ethernet - 200000.

-Gigabit Ethernet - 20000.

4.6.3 RSTP Status

The RSTP Status page display the current STP bridge , roor bridge and per port stp status.

To access RSTP Status screen and perform the following procedure:

1.Click Status -> RSTP Status

2.The “RSTP VLAN Bridge Overview” and “RSTP Port Status” screen is displayed as in Figure 4-26.

Figure 4-26RSTP Status screen

„RSTP VLAN Bridge Overview

The information of the RSTP Root shows in the Bridge overview table. The screen in Figure 4-27 appears.

Figure 4-27RSTP Status screen

The page includes the following fields:


Identifies VLANs associated with the Rapid Spanning Tree.

Bridge IDd

Identifies the Bridge priority and MAC address.