User’s Manual of
4.9.2 DSCP QoS Mode
DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) - is the traffic prioritization bits within an IP header that are encoded by certain applications and/or devices to indicate the level of service required by the packet across a network.
The DSCP Configuration page provides fields for defining output queue to specific DSCP fields.
Select the QoS mode to DSCP, the DSCP to queue mapping configuration page appears, as the Figure
The page includes the following fields:
•Prioritize Traffic
•DSCP Value ( 0..63)
The draw menu allows customization of DSCP to Traffic classifiers. Total 5 selections for the Prioritize Traffic.
•Custom – Manual mapping the DSCP to the
• | All Low Priority | - mapping all IP DCSP header packets to Queue 0 |
• | All Normal Priority | - mapping all IP DCSP header packets to Queue 1 |
•All Medium Priority - mapping all IP DCSP header packets to Queue 2
• All High Priority | - mapping all IP DCSP header packets to Queue 3 |
The values of the IP DSCP header field within the incoming packet.
The traffic forwarding queue to which the DSCP is mapped. Four traffic priority queues are supported.
The queue to which packets with the specific DSCP value is assigned. The values are low,Normal,Medium and High.
• Low = Queue 0
•Normal = Queue 1
•Medium = Queue 2
• High | = Queue 3 |