3.2.2 Web Management

You can manage the GSW-2416SF remotely by having a remote host with web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.

Using this management method:

The GSW-2416SF must have an Internet Protocol (IP) address accessible for the remote host.

3.3 Assigning an IP Address to the Switch

To manage the GSW-2416SF remotely through the web browser with a Management Station, you must assign an IP address to the GSW-2416SF.

To set the IP address, please use “set ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm ggg.ggg.ggg.ggg” command. For example, to configure the switch with the following IP settings:

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

Press the following command and press <Enter>

set ip

If the IP is successfully configured, the switch will apply the new IP address setting immediately. You can access the web interface of GSW-2416SF through the new IP address.


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