This chapter describes how to manage the GSW-2416SF. Topics include:


-Management methods

-Assigning an IP address to the GSW-2416SF

-Logging on to the GSW-2416SF

3.1 Overview

This chapter gives an overview of switch management. The GSW-2416SF provides a user-friendly, command line under console interface and Simply WEB browser interface. Using these interfaces, you can perform various switch configuration and management activities, including:

zPort configuration

zVLAN Add/Remove/Assign

zFlow Control Enable/Disable

zPort Trunk Create/Assign ( WEB GUI supported )

zSystem IP address setting.

zManagement account and password setting.

zPort status/static monitoring

zSystem reboot and reload factory default.

Please refer to the following Chapter 4 and 5 for the details.

3.2 Management Methods

There are two ways to manage the GSW-2416SF:

-Local Console Management via the Switch serial port.

-Web Management via a network or dial-up connection.

3.2.1 Local Console Management

You can manage the GSW-2416SF locally by connecting a VT100 terminal, or a personal computer or workstation with terminal emulation software, to the Switch serial port. The terminal or workstation connects to the Switch serial port using a null modem cable that has the appropriate connectors on each end.

This management method is ideal when:

-The network is unreliable.

-The Network Manager does not have direct network connection.

The serial port of the Switch default setting is set to 19200 baud using a character format of 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.

Therefore, configure the terminal or workstation to use these settings before you log on to the GSW-2416SF. You can change this default setting, if desired, after you log on.


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