Chapter 1 Overview
This user’s guide explains how to operate the Network Camera from a computer. This user’s guide is written to be read on the computer display. However, users might consider printing it out to access easily and read it before you operate the Network Camera.
This Network Camera is an inexpensive and fully scalable surveillance technology. Because the Network Cameras can be plugged in to your existing computer network infrastructure, you will potentially save thousands of dollars on unnecessary cabling.
The Network Camera is accessible via the LAN / WLAN or Internet connection. Connect your Network Camera directly to a computer network or DSL modem, and with a standard Web browser you get instant, on demand video streams. Within minutes you can set up the Network Camera to capture a video sequence to a PC. Live video image can be uploaded to a website for the world to see or made available only to select users on the network.
zMPEG4 / JPEG dual video compression
zHigh quality 1/4” CMOS image sensor
zPre recording for motion triggered up to 15 seconds
zWired and Wireless LAN interface
zUp to 400% digital zoom
zSupport statistic and dynamic IP address
zDDNS and UPnP