Current Port Forwarding Table

Delete Selected

If you want to remove some MAC address from the “Current Access Control


List”, select the MAC addresses you want to remove in the table and then


click “Delete Selected”.



Delete All

If you want remove all MAC addresses from the table, just click this button.




Click “Reset” will clear your current selections.



After configuration complete, please click “Apply” button to save the configuration. Then you will see a screen to prompt you the settings are save successfully. You may press “Continue” for configure other settings or “Apply” to restart WRT-414 with new configuration.

5.6.2Virtual Server

Use the Virtual Server function when you need to have different servers in your LAN to handle many services and Internet applications (e.g. Email, FTP, Web server etc.) to the Internet. Computers use numbers called port numbers to recognize a particular service/Internet application type. The Virtual Server allows you to re-direct a particular service port number (from the WAN Port) to a particular LAN private IP address as its service port number. (See Glossary for an explanation on Port number).



Enable Virtual Server

Enable Virtual Server.



Private IP

This is the LAN client/host IP address that the Public Port number packet will


be sent to.




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