Trigger Type

Select whether the outbound port protocol is “TCP”, “UDP” or



Public Port

Enter the In-coming (Inbound) port or port range for this type of


application (e.g. 2300-2400, 47624)


Note: Individual port numbers are separated by a comma.


(e.g. 47624, 5775, 6541 etc.) To input a port range use a “dash”


to separate the two port number range. (e.g. 2300-2400)

Public Type

Select the Inbound port protocol type: “TCP”, “UDP” or both.


The description of this setting.

Popular applications

This section lists the more popular applications that require


multiple connections. Select an application from the Popular


Applications selection. Once you have selected an application,


click the Add button. This will automatically copy the Port Trigger


information required for this popular application into the input



Add Special Application

Fill in the "Trigger Port", "Trigger Type”, “Public Port”, "Public


Type", "Public Port" and "Comment" of the setting to be added


and then click "Add". Then this Special Application setting will be


added into the "Current Trigger-Port Table" below. If you find any


typo before adding it and want to retype again, just click "Reset"


and the fields will be cleared.


If you want to add a popular application, select one “Popular


Application” and then click “Add”.

Remove Special Application

If you want to remove some Special Application settings from the


"Current Trigger-Port Table", select the Special Application


settings you want to remove in the table and then click "Delete


Selected". If you want remove all Special Application settings


from the table, just click "Delete All" button. Click "Reset" will


clear your current selections.

Click <Save> at the bottom of the screen to save the above configurations and press “Apply and Reboot” to apply the configuration and reboot the XRT-D router. You can now configure other advance sections or start using the router (with the advance settings in place).

Example: Special Applications

If you need to run applications that require multiple connections, then specify the port (outbound) normally associated with that application in the "Trigger Port" field. Then select the protocol type (TCP or UDP) and enter the public ports associated with the trigger port to open them up for inbound traffic.




Trigger Port

Trigger Type

Public Port

Public Type
