I V . A S S E M B L Y / D I S A S S E M B L Y
Seat Installation
It may be necessary to install the seat either prior to initial op- eration or after transporting your
WARNING! Do not pick up the seat frame by the armrests. They are free to pivot, and you may lose control of the seat if they do so.
To install the seat:
1.Adjust the seat height if necessary. See V. “Comfort Adjustments.”
2.Set the seat onto the seat pedestal. See figure 9.
3.Install the controller into the armrest, and tighten the setscrew under the armrest.
4.Plug the controller connector and XLR
MANDATORY! Prevent controller harness damage! Avoid routing the controller harness on the outside of the armrest pad. Route the harness under the armrest or toward the inside of the armrest pad. Use correct
To disassemble the Z-Chair:
3.Disconnect the controller anf XLR connector from the power base.
5.Graspthebatteryboxhandleandliftuptodisengagethebox fromthepowerbase,thentilttheboxforwardslightlyandpull itawayfromthepowerbase.
6.Pushinthetogglelatchreleasebuttonwhilepullingforward onthetogglelatch.Seefigure11.
7.Rotatethetogglelatchbuckleoverthetopofthetogglelatch untilitsnapsintoitsretainer.Seefigure12.
Figure 9. Seat Installation
Figure 10. Z-Chair Components
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