Chapter 2 Graphics
Other Graphics Considerations
In horizontal format, an LF causes the paper to advance one or two dot
rows based on the vertical dot density.
In vertical format, the paper is advanced as the six dot rows are printed.
Spacing is essentially 12 LPI for low density and 24 LPI for high density
Escape sequences ending with the following characters are ignored in
graphics mode:
t}]!SP B
Escape sequences ending with the following characters are valid whil e
the printer is in graphics mode:
Dot Graphics
Hex Code 1B 50
Dec Code 27 80
Expression CHR$(27);P;
Purpose Enters dot graphics mode at the density and format previously
selected by the ESC [p1;p2;p3 q sequence.
Discussion Following this sequence the printer prints discrete dots and
leaves spaces based on the 1's and 0's in the low order six bits
of each byte received, forming graphic dot rows from left to right.
Exit from dot graphics mode is via ESC \.
Repeat Graphics Character
ASCII Code ESC [p1 b
Hex Code 1B 5B p1 62
Dec Code 27 91 p1 98
Expression CHR$(27);[p1b;
Purpose Repeats the single preceding character p1 times.
Discussion If p1 is 0 or unspecified, it is set to 1. The maximum value for p1
is 32,767. Only valid in the dot graphics mode.