warm start A reboot or soft reset. The following occurs: 1) data
are cleared from all buffers (I/O and internal print
buffers); 2) all internal system variables are reset to
default values, which is transparent to the user; and
3) the power-up configuration values-except the host
I/O selection-are loaded. If the user has not defined
power-up configuration values, the printer resets to
the factory default configuration values.
weight See character weight.
word 1. A storage unit consisting of the number of bits that
comprise one storage location in main memory.
2. The name used for a variable or constant in a
3. The data value occupying a storage location.
write To place data in memory (RAM, NVRAM) or in mass
storage (hard disk, floppy diskette, etc.).
X-OFF A character transmitted by the printer announcing
that the printer is off-line or the buffer is almost full.
X-ON A character transmitted by the printer announcing
that the printer is on-line or the buffer is almost