19. Use the included dumbbells only as de- | 23. Never insert any object into any opening on | |
scribed in this manual. Properly store the | the treadmill. | |
dumbbells in the dumbbell rack when you are | 24. Inspect and properly tighten all parts of the | |
not using them. If the dumbbells are improp- | ||
erly stored, they may fall off the rack, causing | treadmill regularly. | |
the user to trip. | 25. DANGER: Always unplug the power | |
20. Never leave the treadmill unattended while it | cord immediately after use, before cleaning the | |
is running. Always remove the key, unplug | treadmill, and before performing the mainte- | |
the power cord, and switch the reset/off cir- | nance and adjustment procedures described in | |
cuit breaker to the off position when the | this manual. Never remove the motor hood un- | |
treadmill is not in use. (See the drawing on | less instructed to do so by an authorized ser- | |
page 5 for the location of the circuit breaker.) | vice representative. Servicing other than the | |
21. Do not attempt to raise, lower, or move the | procedures in this manual should be performed | |
by an authorized service representative only. | ||
treadmill until it is properly assembled. (See | ||
ASSEMBLY on page 6, and HOW TO FOLD | 26. This treadmill is intended for | |
AND MOVE THE TREADMILL on page 19.) | only. Do not use this treadmill in a commer- | |
You must be able to safely lift 45 lbs. (20 kg) | cial, rental, or institutional setting. | |
to raise, lower, or move the treadmill. |
22. When folding or moving the treadmill, make sure that the storage latch is holding the frame securely in the storage position.