The scale’s software constantly monitors and adjusts the Zero point as
long as the deviation is within acceptable li mits1, while compensating for
any debris accumulation or removal. During power-up, the scale automat-
ically re-zeros after verifying that all subsystems are functional. Addition-
ally, the scale may be manually “zeroed” by pushing the Scale Zero Push
Button located on the top of the vertical enclosure.
There are two pertinent warm-up times that apply to the scanner or scan-


When the unit is moved from a cooler temperature (such as a storage area)
to a warmer environment (such as a checkstand location), 60 minutes
must be allowed to acclimate the unit to ambient conditions prior to cali-
bration or operation.


Once installed and powered up, a warm-up time of 15 minutes must be
allowed before calibrating or performing weighing operations.


The user may configure the unit for a pre-programmed warm-up time
that is activated every time the scanner is powered up. During this time,
the scale is viewed by the POS terminal as off-line.
1. Acceptable limitis of deviation are set at -0.2 to +0.6 pounds (-0.07 8kg to 0.23kg), which is -0.67 to
+2.0% of total capacity.
The two warm-up periods can be performed concurrently, thereby reducing
the total required warm-up time to 60 minutes.