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See Section 2 , Diagnostic Modes, for details about running diagnostic tests
for the scanner and/or scale. If a problem is discovered during diagnostics,
the scanner will provide feedback about the source of the problem. The
remainder of this section describes these failure indi cations and includes
troubleshooting flowcharts to help isolate the problem.
Your Point-Of-Sale (POS) system may contain many components that
operate as a system. Since almost all scanner or scale problems are caused
by either the scanner, scale, POS terminal or communication links
between them, these troubleshooting flowcharts focus on these compo-
nents. Additionally, the optional Remote Scale Display, AC/DC Power
Supply and their cables are potential problems addressed in this section.
The flowcharts provided in this section walk you through a diagnostic
process that will isolate the failed component and instruct as to the correc-
tive action required. Since internal scanner and scale components cannot
be replaced by an operator or installer, most functional errors will require
the assistance of a trained technical support person. However, if the prob-
lem is caused by faulty cable, power supply or remote display, you can fix
the problem by replacing the defective component and complete the