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Figure 2-1. The Scanner/Scale Family
It should be noted that the scope of this manual does not encompass all
factors related to worker safety and checkstand design. It does, however,
offer a list of considerations that may be help ful in ensuring greater safety
and productivity. Careful planning using these general guidelines should
result in a more efficient, comfortable work environment.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the incidence of repetitive
motion injuries has increased dramatically in recent years. Checkstand
design and scanner installation and operation procedures can reduce the
risk of repetitive motion injuries, but not eliminate it.
Although there are currently no formal guidelines for checkstand ergo-
nomics, the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) and the National Institute of
Occupational Safety (NIOSH) of the Department of Health and Human
Services have released the reports listed at the end of these recommenda-
tions. These reports contain useful suggestions for ergonomic improve-
ment of checkstand designs and scanner installation, maintenance and
usage. Portions of the reports are summarized below. For copies of the
complete reports, or to inquire about any modifications to the recommen-
dations, contact FMI and NIOSH at the addresses listed at the end of
these recommendations.

Model 8500 Model 8501

Model 8502