4-4 0DJHOODQ 6FDQQHU


Code Probable Cause Corrective Action
Blinking Configuration
No POS interface has been selected (Null interface). See the topic,
Interface Type, in Section 6 to select the required interface using
programming bar codes.
1 Configuration Error See Section 6, Programming, for details about configuring the scan-
ner using programming bar codes.
2 Interface Board Unplug unit and call technical support personnel.
3 Motor Unplug unit and call technical support personnel.
4Horizontal LaseraCall technical support personnel.
5Vertical LaseraCall technical support personnel.
6 Digital Board Unplug unit and call technical support personnel.
7Scale See the topic Scale Error Reporting in this section for problem
identification and corrective actions.
8 Remote Display
Connect the Remote Display. If necessary, replace display or cable.
Alternatively, you can disable the Remote Display using the program-
ming procedures described in Section 6.
A Button Module Call technical support personnel.
C Scale Calibration Proceed to scale calibration procedure.
Point 3.3 V Present If not lit, call technical support personnel.
a. If only one laser is non-functional, the scanner may continue to work (this is a configurable feature);
however, the 7-segment display will show the error code indicating the failed laser. If both lasers have
failed, the 7-segment display will display either a 4 or a 5, and the scanner will cease to function until
serviced. No alternate blinking of lamps will occur if only one laser has failed.