2-12 0DJHOODQ 6FDQQHU
Interface cables (and display ca ble, if applicable) should be
routed away from all highly inductive electrical devices, like
motors and conveyor belts, and even away from the unit’s
power cable if possible.
Cables should be easy to remove in the event that replace-
ment is required. A little planning now will save a lot of frus-
tration later.
4. Connect and verify all system operations.
The scanner should be installed so that leading and trailing edges of the
All Weighs™ Platter are flush with the countertop to enhance smooth,
slide-through scanning (reference the insert in Figure 2-6). Keep in mind
that the debris chutes on both sides of the platter provide the necessary
clearance for proper scale operation if you are installing a scanning-scale
(you won’t need to provide an additional gap for that).