Quatech USB 2.0 user manual Troubleshooting

Models: USB 2.0

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Chapter 4. Troubleshooting

Q7 : How can I get minimum number of dropped frames during video capture?

A7 : The best recording performance depends on your computer system performance, but you can also take some steps described below to improve your performance.

(a)Try lowering the resolution format you record.

(b)Enable hard disk drive DMA ; Go to My Computer->Control Panel ->System->Hardware->DeviceManager->Disk drives to setup.

(c)Try and keep more available free space in the hard disk.

(d)Use a hard disk drive with speed of more than 7200 rotation per minute

(e)Disable Power Management in BIOS.

(f)Disable Power Saving mode of monitor.

(g)Close unnecessary/unused programs in your system.

(h)Defrag your hard disk.

(i)Try not to run other program(s) during recording.

Q8 : I can preview video but when recording, the system crashed/hanged.

A8 : (a) Please make sure you’ve install DirectX 9.0 or above.

(b)Your VGA card driver may be incompatible with DirectDraw, please update your VGA driver.

(c)Too many programs might have occupied available memory. Close unnecessary/unused programs.

(d)Please lower your hardware acceleration; you can go to

My Computer->Control Panel->Display->Settings->Advanced to adjust it.

Q9 : When I start the Video Capture software, program automatically closed.

A9 : Please check to see that your sound card driver was installed successfully.



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Quatech USB 2.0 user manual Troubleshooting