Using Trunk Tracking Scan Delay
Many trunked systems have a period of 2 or more sec- onds between a query and a reply. You can program a
Press DELAY to turn trunk tracking scan delay on or off. DLY appears when trunk tracking scan delay is set.
Note: If you consistently miss responses even with trunk tracking scan delay set, you might need to change the default system type or the fleet map you are using. See “Scanning Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems” on Page 50.
Monitoring IDs
You can use your scanner’s display to monitor the fre- quencies in a trunked system for activity. You cannot hear conversations in this mode, but this is an excellent way to determine which talk groups are the most ac- tive. To set the scanner to monitor IDs, hold down MON/CLEAR until SEARCH and the channel number flash, and all active talk group IDs appear in quick suc- cession. To stop monitoring IDs, press SRC again.
Note: When you monitor IDs,