You can store up to 10 numbers of up to 16 digits.
•To keep your accounts secure, we recommend you do not store your personal access code for services such as
•When storing numbers for special services (such as alternate long dis- tance or
exits the number storing process. Start again from Step 1.
2.Dial the number you want to store.
3.Press MEMORY again.
4.Press the memory location number
5.Pull out the memory index card at the bottom of the base and write the stored number next to the memory location number. We recommend you use a pencil in case you want to change it later.
Storing a Number in Memory
1.With the TALK/LOW BATT. indicator off, press MEMORY.
Note: If you do not press any button on the keypad within about 10 sec- onds, a buzz sounds and the phone
•If you receive a call while you are storing a number in memory, press TALK/HANG UP to answer the call. Af- ter the call, begin again at Step 1.