•If the scanner picks up unwanted, partial, or very weak trans- missions, turn SQUELCH MIN/MAX clockwise to decrease the scanner’s sensitivity to these signals. If you want to listen to a weak or distant station, turn SQUELCH MIN/MAX counter- clockwise.
•If SQUELCH MIN/MAX is adjusted so you always hear a hiss- ing sound, the scanner does not scan properly.
You can store up to 100 frequencies into your scanner’s channels using either of the following methods.
•Limit search within a range of preprogrammed frequencies
•Manual storage
Good references for active frequencies are Radio Shack’s “Be- yond Police Call,” “Police Call Radio Guide Including Fire and Emergency Services,” “Aeronautical Frequency Directory,” and “Radio!” magazine. We update these references often, so be sure to get a current copy. See also “A General Guide to Scanning” on Page 39.
If you do not have a reference to frequencies in your area, follow the steps in “Limit Search” on Page 22 to search for transmis- sions.