1. Introduction
1. Introduction
This User’s Guide describes how to install, use, and troubleshoot the RATOC CB31U Ultra SCSI CardBus PC Card(called CB31U in this User’s Guide).
1-1. Package Confirmation
Check package contents:
•CB31 Ultra SCSI CardBus PC Card
•CB31 setup
•CB31U startup guide
If any of these items are missing from the CB31U retail package, contact your supplier immediately.
1-2. System Requirements
•PC with a CardBus slot
•Windows 95B / Windows 95C / Windows 98 / Windows98 SE (Second Edition) Windows Xp / Windows 2000 / Windows Me (Millennium Edition)
If the version of your Windows 95 is 4.00.950 or 4.00.950 A, you can not use the CB31U.