8. Troubleshooting
8-1-3. Deleting the CB31U driver on Windows Xp
If you failed to install the CB31U driver and want to
1.Remove the CB31U from the Device tree.
a.Click My Computer with the right button.
b.Select Properties.
c.Select the Hardware tab.
d.Click the Device Manager button.
f.Select SCSI PC Card REX CB31.
g.Press the Delete key.
h.Remove the CB31U from the PC.
2.Remove the driver file and INF file.
b.Select Folder Options in the Tools menu and select the View tab.
c.Check the Show hidden files and folders .
d.Select All Files and Folders of Search on the start menu.
e.Type REXCB3x.SYS in the All or part of the file name box.
f.Select the drive letter in which Windows Xp is installed in Look in box.
g.Click the Search button.
h.If REXCB3x.SYS appears, select it and press the Delete key.
i.Type OEM*.INF in the All Files and Folders box and CB31 in the Aword or phrase in the file box.
j.Type the drive letter in which Windows Xp is installed in Look in box.
k.Click the Search Now button.
l.When appearing, open these files to see the content. If the file is related to the CB31U, select it and press the Delete key.