4-13.Wizard starts up with a scanner connected(Windows)

When you connect the U2SCXU connected to scanner to a PC, wizard will start up because the driver of the scanner is required. In this case, specify the driver provided by its manufacturer.

Here is the procedures for Windows XP or Me users. If you are a Windows 2000 or 98SE user, you can nearly follow the same procedure to install the driver.

[For Windows XP users]

1.A wizard will appear after you have finished installing the driver for the U2SCXU. Select the [Install from a list or specific location(Advanced)] option and click [Next].

2.Select the [Don’t search. I will choose the driver to install] option and click [Next].

3.Select [Imaging Device] from the list and click [Next]. 4.Click the [Have disk] button.

5.Specify the location where the scanner driver exists and then click [OK]. 6.Make sure the model name you have specified is shown on the list and then

click [Next].

7.A warning message will appear. Click [Continue Anyway] . 8.Click [Finish] . You have now completed the driver.