Playing Audio CDs

Clearing a Bookmark

The booknlarks are cleared each time a disc is rem()ved fl-onl the p]ayc't or when the p(_\vc, r is

turned off, If you \\'antto clear a I)ooklllarl-; \_ililc tile disc is playing:

1, Press INFO on Ihe rellll)l12i11the 1]()111(if lilt' pla)cl Io I)ring up the Inlo I)isplay

2.ffighlight the Bo+Jkmark icon and press ()K,

3.Higlrligl_t the' trash call ic()u ilt'xl I(i the h<)()kmark )()tl \\anl I() tlcqu Press ()K.

4, The I)ookmark is cleared and tile, [rashcan icon c]langes hack I(I tl_c,tlnlnarked disc icon.

If all 6 bookularks arc' in USe,, Ve)tl tall <lnl) Ill;Irk Ile\\ a st'uric' h) clc'alin 7 €tI] c'XiSling bookinark

Dub Assist

Dub Assist helps you lecord a CI) onto an audio cassette tape by determining the number t)f tracks that will fit on one side of the tape so you have time to turn the tape over to record on the other side• Dub Assist does not have an icon on the lnfo Display har. It is activated through the DVD player's menu.

To use Dub Assist when you're recording a El-) onto all audio cassette:

Use the Dub Assist screen to determine how many CD tracks can fit on a cassette,

Press STOP if a CD is pla) ing (tire DVD Players n'iain menu appears).

ttighlight l)lco ' .ll(Jde and press OK (the t_1_(I' Mode options appeal )

Highlight Dub Assist and press OK (the Dub Assist screen appears).

The highlight sho_.i[d be in the PI60' Order window. Ch(_ose

Standard, Opnmized, or Program.

Standard: This is the default nrode. The tracks are recorded in the order on the CD ttrack 1 is recorded first, track 2 second, etc.)

Optimized: The tracks are recorded in the order that optimizes the number of tracks that can fit on one side of the auclio

cassette so you have the least amount of dead space at the end of the tape•

Program: The tracks are recorded in the order you program,

You must create your program in the Edit Pl'(JgrcXl?l menu that's in the DVD Player's Play menu.

Use the arrow keys to highlight the S_'gment Length box. When the Segment Length box is highlighted, use the up/down arrow buttons to enter the length of one side of the audio cassette.

6.The order the tracks will be recorded in appears in the SeRment list on the right, Use the arrow keys to highlight the Start box and press OK.

7.Follow the instructions on the screen to begin recording,

Chapter 3


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RCA RC5227P user manual Standard, Opnmized, or Program