R0E530640MCU00 User’s Manual 5. Debugging Functions
REJ10J1733-0100 Rev.1.00 Apr. 01, 2008
Page 152 of 229
The lower area shows detail information of the address range selected in the upper area. (Assembler level)
Table 5.30 Contents displayed in the upper area of the Code Coverage window
[Executed] 1: Instructions executed
0: Instructions not executed
[Pass] Displays execution condition of conditional branch instruction
T: Condition met and program branched
F: Condition not met and program not branched
T/F: Condition met and condition not met
[Address] Instruction address
[Assembler] Disassembled display
[Source] C/C++ or assembler source
The acquired coverage information is accumulated in memory until the user clears it.
When you double click Assembler code shown in the Address Range sheet, the corresponding source code is shown in the
Editor window.
Be sure that source codes are not displayed in the cases listed below.
- A source file that corresponds the assembler line does not ex ist.
- A source line that correspo nds the assembler line does not exist.
- Where no debug information is includ ed, such as where the assembler line is a library.
5.11.5 Adding Address Ranges
Follow the procedure described below to add address ranges.
(1) From the Address Range sheet of the Code Coverage window
1. Right-click in the upper area of the Address Range sheet and choose Add Measurement Ranges from the context menu.
Figure 5.77 Code Coverage window