R0E530640MCU00 User’s Manual 5. Debugging Functions
REJ10J1733-0100 Rev.1.00 Apr. 01, 2008
Page 93 of 229
(2) S/W Breakpoints - ASM column
This column shows the following:
Table 5.5 Software breakpoint – ASM column list
Software break is set.
PC position
(3) Disassembly Address column
Shows disassembly addresses. Double-clicking here brings up an Address Specification dialog box. In this dialog box, enter
the address from which you want a disassembly display to start.
(4) Obj code column
Shows object codes.
(5) Label
Shows a label. This column is unusable unless any module is downloaded.
5.2.6 Correcting Assembly Language Codes
Double-click an instruction you want to correct in the Disassembly window or choose Edit from the context menu, and a
dialog box labeled “Assemble” will be displayed. Use this dialog box to correct assembly language.
Figure 5.11 Assembler dialog box
The dialog box shows the address, instruction code and mnemonic of a selected instruction.
Enter a new instruction (or edit the old instruction) in the Mnemonic edit box. When done, hit the Enter key. The memory
content will be overwritten with the new instruction code, and the pointer is moved to the next instruction.
Clicking the OK button overwrites the memory content with the new instruction code and closes the dialog box.
Assembly language codes are displayed from the current memory content. When you correct memory contents, new assembly
language codes are displayed in the Disassembly window and the Assembler dialog box. However, the source file being
displayed in the Editor window remains unchanged. The same applies when the source file includes assembler language.