R0E530640MCU00 User’s Manual 4. Preparing to Debug
REJ10J1733-0100 Rev.1.00 Apr. 01, 2008
Page 69 of 229
The other list boxes are used for setting up a toolchain. If no toolchains are installed, the information specific to the CPU
family is displayed here. Click the OK button.
(3) Select the debugger target.
Figure 4.4 Setting the Target System for Debugging dialog box
Select the target platform you use by placing a check mark in its check box and click the Next button.
(4) Set a configuration name. Configuration refers to the file in which the High-performance Embedded Workshop status
other than the emulator is saved.
Figure 4.5 Setting the Debugger Options dialog box
If you have selected two or more target platforms, click the Next button and then set a configuration name for each target
platform selected.