Sequential Setting: Using the [Combination action (Sequential or PtoP)] dialog box specifies the sequential condition and the start or end of performance measurement. Table 2.7 Conditions to Be Set Classification Item Description
[Ch1, 2, 3] list box Sets the sequential condition and the start or end of performance
measurement using Event Conditions 1 to 3 and 11.
Don’t care Sets no sequential condition or the start or end of
performance measurement.
Break: Ch3-2-1 Breaks when a condition is satisfied in the order of
Event Condition 3, 2, 1.
Break: Ch3-2-1,
Reset point
Breaks when a condition is satisfied in the order of
Event Condition 3, 2, 1.
Enables the reset point of Event Condition 11.
Break: Ch2-1 Breaks when a condition is satisfied in the order of
Event Condition 2, 1.
Break: Ch2-1,
Reset point
Breaks when a condition is satisfied in the order of
Event Condition 2, 1.
Enables the reset point.
I-Trace stop: Ch3-2-1 Halts acquisition of an internal trace when a
condition is satisfied in the order of Event Condition
3, 2, 1.
I-Trace stop: Ch3-2-1,
Reset point
Halts acquisition of an internal trace when a
condition is satisfied in the order of Event Condition
3, 2, 1.
Enables the reset point.
I-Trace stop: Ch2-1 Halts acquisition of an internal trace when a
condition is satisfied in the order of Event Condition
2, 1.
I-Trace stop: Ch2-1,
Reset point
Halts acquisition of an internal trace when a
condition is satisfied in the order of Event Condition
2, 1.
Enables the reset point.
Ch2 to Ch1 PA Sets the performance measurement period during
the time from the satisfaction of the condition set in
Event Condition 2 (start condition) to the
satisfaction of the condition set in Event Condition
1 (end condition).